Doctors assistant

The doctor's assistant is usually your first point of contact in general practice.

She cooperates fully in general practice and like dr Verstappen she is bound to medical confidentiality.

You can contact the doctor's assistant for various medical treatments, examinations and medical procedures. But also for making appointments, advices by telephone, repeat prescriptions, referral letters and test results.

When you are to sick to come to the practice, (temporarily) disabled or have mobility issues, you can request the doctor's assistant for a house call. But you have to realize that in practice, however, there are better opportunities for investigation and medical treatment.

So the doctor's assistant can help with many things.

Examples of medical treatments, examinations and medical procedures for which you can visit the doctor’s assistant are:

  • Wound Care
  • Removing stitches
  • Injections and vaccination
  • Ear irrigation
  • Urine tests
  • Pap smear
  • Pregnancy test
  • Electocardiagram / Heart recordings (EKG)
  • Spirometry tests
  • (24 hour) blood pressure measurement
  • Wart treatment
  • Hb, blood sugar and cholesterol determination
  • Taking blood samples / blood tests
  • Hearing test (audiogram)

  • Dutch
  • English